Confidentiality in the NHS: Exactly how many Mental Health Professionals have had access to my medical records?
Following on from the several threads I have made on Twitter regarding confidentiality in NHS Mental Health services, I have decided to write a blog post highlighting exactly how far my personal information, including childhood sexual abuse disclosures, have travelled across several services within the NHS, and also outside of the NHS. These numbers include all Mental Health professionals/other professionals who have had access to my medical records since I was first referred to the Community Mental Health Team towards the end of 2011 up until the present day. Professionals from within the Community Mental Health Team: 5 Care Coordinators 1 Support Worker 1 Occupational Therapist 1 Psychologist 6 Psychiatrists An unknown number of extra professionals as a result of MDT’s/team meetings/team formulations Professionals from within the Crisis Team Services: At least 15+ different crisis team workers 5 Crisis Team Psychiatrists ...